Sunday, July 18, 2010

"I wanna be an one friggin' bad"

Hey Folks,

Ok so I'm going to start off by stating that my keyboard has no letter "e" key on the keyboard.  So my post is going to take a bit longer than the average to type up as I will have to press quite hard on the pad (that's what she said?) to get the 'e' to come out.  

Anyway, I have not done one of these in a very long time. In fact, I forgot what my username was when signing in. A lot has changed since my last post. First of all, its a new year. 2009 to 2010. The World Cup of soccer has been determined.  Spain has conquered that mountain.  James Cameron introduced us to a new world no one believe could exist, where 6 foot blue people have sex with ponytails. Pandora. Lindsay Lohan got sentenced to jail. Albeit for probably only 28 days.  All these things have happen since my last blog. 

But the topic I would like to talk about today. Money.  Money is what the world is fueled by. As much as people hate it. Money = Happiness.  Think about it. Money is what we all crave, it is what we work for. We need money to sustain life. We need it for shelter. food. entertainment. health care (if I lived in the states). How did it come to this? when did society become so self absorbed about money taking over life?

I'm not a cynic. 
I'm just another one of the millions who wishes they won the million in the lottery. Things have not been panning out for me financially lately. And with my 21st birthday coming up. Life suddenly seems like it needs goals and aspirations.

I remember my 20th birthday.  I thought things were so easy. I just finished my teenage years. University didn't seem like the money grabbing institution, that I think it is now. My life was full of friends and family (not saying its not now). But money. though I wasn't wealthy. Was sustainable (in my terms). 

Now it isn't. 12 hours of minimum part-time work a week isn't really cutting it. 

I see all these TV shows about the rich and famous. All these things about people having multi-million dollar jewelery. Multi-million houses. Celebrities wasting their money away. Nicolas Cage, was quoted saying he's going to focus on children's movies from now on. Um, the correct answer? He wants to focus on making the moneyy! 

Ben Stiller, Brenden Frasier, Adam Sandler < -- successful actors in the children genre of movies, also mega wealthy!

Nicolas Cage? hmm not the most friendly looking man for children movies. 

There are even songs about people wishing they were a friggin' bad. :) 
I just wish for One. One Million. I wanna be an one millionaire, so friggin' bad. 

Someone want to loan me that? I'll put it to good use. I swear. I won't waste it on a party. I won't waste it on bling. cars. a house. I will continue to work my part time job. I just need a starting point in life. Because 15 years from now. I'm 36. Hopefully married. 2 kids (older girl, younger boy..I had a talk today with someone from my work about how its the ideal 2 sibling combo..but that's another post) Also. 15 years from now. One million = $500 000 of 2010

so, conclusion:

$500 000 saved. I'm happy :)

Money = Happiness
makes sense?

I know this post had no purpose really. I just wanted to occupy my time this Saturday night :)

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