Monday, September 28, 2009

The Game Continued today...

As I watch late night tv, instead of reading.

I wonder.

Who do you prefer to watch?

Leno or Conan?

Conan or Letterman?

Kimmel or John Stewart?

Ferguson or Fallon?

Colbert Report? who am i kidding. Colbert Report wins, regardless...


You Done Know How Gangsta' I am.

The Game has Returned

The game has returned!!!

remember just pick one. the one you prefer.

would you rather have a bad hair day OR would you rather have a shirt with a noticeable stain on it all day

I just have one right now. more will be posted.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's 3:28 AM.

Why can't I sleep?

I had a ridiculous day of amazingness.
lol, but my body is definitely going to hate me in the morning for not sleeping more.

First I went rock climbing. I concurred 5 walls. Yes that is right, 5 WALLS :D
I kinda see that as an accomplishment.

You think your body would be exhausted.
That actually turned out to be the easiest part of the day. lol

I then celebrated a Hindu ceremony called Garba.  There was also Dandiya (stick dancing)
Take a look of an example:

Now, I'm feeling too tired to continue writing

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Apple Store Lovin'

I follow this guy on youtube.
The basic premise of his youtube show, is to critic other popular viral youtube videos
He's pretty awesome.
He has some friends, and they make funny music videos.
[] <--That is his website
Check it out. I thought this one was just EXTREMELY catchy. 
And the fact he did this IN AN APPLE STORE!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I have a feeling......

I feel like posting a blog today.
I just feel like I finally accomplished something SCHOOL-BASED for the first time this year (Day 10)
I read 40 pages of my textbook, which i NEVER do, especially in one sitting.
I feel like I want to be more prepared for exam time this year, and not have to bank on chapter summaries to save my ass like the past 2 years.
I feel too chilled out. Is that good? or bad?
THIS JUST FOUND OUT TODAY. Justine Henin (former #1 women's player in tennis) is returning BACK to tennis next year for the Australian Open.
I feel like Justine Henin is going to win a major next year.
I feel Clijsters will win one as well.
Serena will be shut out next year.
I feel like Tiger Woods is also NOT going to win a major next year.
I feel like actually finish reading The Kite Runner, I always hear good things about it.
I feel like this year is going by too fast
I feel like I want to play ONE more round of golf this year.
I still feel that "Fire Burnin' on the Dancefloor" is top 3 song in my playlist.
I feel like I should continue some more reading before the night is over.

I feel like this looks cool.

I feel like the next 5 pictures are my favourite pics I took of Europe, 2 years ago.

Dubrovnik, Croatia


French Rivera

Venice, Italy

Overlooking the Piers at Monaco

Anyways, I better head off now..These pages aren't going to read themselves. (so corny. i know)

Monday, September 21, 2009

[No Title]

This is going to be an intense week.

So before I don't post for the next week because there's not going to be time.  Here are some pictures, from the ever funny site

And now for a picture I told my friend to post on the website, because I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it. Look at the background. [no one in this picture was hurt. hopefully]

See you all later :)
[If I survive the week]

Sunday, September 20, 2009

To my friend.

Not sure what i can post about for beards. And you may be reading this, and asking why am I going to write about beards? Well. This weekend i kinda ditched my friend on the subway, so he said I had to dedicate a blog post about his beard, or beards in general. Im not sure.

Websters defines the word beard as: the growth of hair on the face of an adult man, often including a mustache.

Wikipedia explains in its first post of beards as:

beard is the hair that grows on a person's chin, cheeks, neck, and the area above the upper lip. Typically, only males going through puberty, or post-pubescent males are able to grow beards. However, women with hirsutism may develop a beard. When differentiating between upper and lower facial hair, a beard specifically refers to the facial hair on the lower part of a man's chin (excluding the moustache, which refers to hair above the upper lip and around it). The study of beards is called pogonology

Say what?!?! People study beards? weird.

I'm quite stumped about what to write. So I'm mainly going to post pictures of beards in this post.

My friend's beard is quite unoriginal, however.  I think he's been growing it for I want to say 2 weeks? It's pretty ho hum when it comes to beard growing. I mean its not epic like this beard:

Or this:

Or even cool like this one:

 Take a look:

What do you think? I'll let my readers be the judge.  
I must say, its the most tamed beard i've seen in a while. So I'll give you credit for that.

So Abbas, this post was for you. I did post it, so you cant i never did. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ummm WTF GaGa.

This creeped me out. im not going to lie.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kanye Being a Jerk. If you didn't see it already

If you watched the MTV Music Awards.

Kanye is a jerk.

The Game Not really Day 3...but the 3rd day doing this.

So i already failed when it came to posting on my blog every single day. even it was a short post.

Urgh, but like the motto says "Three strikes and then im out"
sooo with that being the case, I give myself a strike. (Im not going to do anything when i reach 3 anyways)

The weekend was good. But I have started my annual stressing about life and time management, which i always have a problem with.

I'm excited for the Jay Leno Show, which starts at 10pm tomorrow at NBC. I prefer him over Conan O'Brian any day. (I just saw the commercial)

This was a big weekend in sports.

Serena Williams totally verbally abused the poor asian chair umpire, after she called a foot fault on the point before match point.

The asian chair umpire had some serious balls tho (not really, shes a girl, and girls do not have balls).
But to call a foot fault, (which by the way, is as rare as seeing someone choke right in front of you and having to give them the hiemlich maneuver)..meaning they NEVER call foot faults.
during the semi-finals match at the US Open, and that the lady she called it on was Serena Williams who probably is the best tennis player in the world, that is down 1 set and a break.. and knowing that a foot fault gives the other player automatic match point. wow.

But to top it off, Serena had to go all verbally abusive to her. check it out.

Hats off to Kim Clijsters tho,  This is her 3rd event since her return from having a child.  She "retired" for 2 years. Got married. Had a child a year and a half ago. And decided to return to action this August. That's right August. One month ago she was returning to competitive tennis after 2 years of absence.  You would think there would be rust, and there was. She was eliminated in her first 2 events relatively early. So she gets a sponsor's wild card, and then . she goes and makes the finals in just about the most important event of the year. just another days work for a mother.

The NFL season also started this weekend.
All the important teams won.
Pittsburgh. Indy. Baltimore. NY Giants. Seattle.

And Carolina [My favourite team] lost to Philly today in a HUGE romp.
38-10 at home. urgh

And NASCAR will start their chase next weekend, after their final race to the chase.
Go Juan Montoya! He was an F1 Champion. Indy 500 Champion. Champ Car Champion.
Just win the NASCAR championship. ok? and show up all these American rednecks.

ok. onto "The Game"

not sure what kind of topic or what i can think of doing right now.

Cat or Dog?
Hamster or Fish?
Iced Tea or Kanye West?
This is all for Sunday September 13th 2009.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Game Day 3

So as I lay on this couch watching opening night of the NFL season :)
This version of the game will be Sports Edition.

Football or Basketball?
Hockey or Baseball?
Tennis or Golf?
Michael Jordan or Lebron James?
Federer or Nadal?
Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt?
Winter or Summer Olympics?
F1 Racing or NASCAR?
Yankees or Red Sox?
Game 7 - NBA Finals or Game 7 - Stanley Cup or Game 7 - World Series or Super Bowl

Friends <3

These are my friends. Not sure why Im posting this pic. But I feel happy whenever I see it. Possibly because the day we took the picture, it was my Birthday :) regardless. Good Times guys, these are the

Can you say fun ride?

This was a finish of one race this past year..One of the most ridiculous finishes I have EVER seen...The dude who won the race. Um it was only his 5th race of his career.

The Game Day 2

So my friends saw my blog, and helped me with this day's game.... So fingers crossed, maybe my blog is going to be followed soon!

So today we’re going to have a theme for the game. Celebrities.

Dane Cook or Russel Peters?
Mary Kate or Ashley Olsen?
Beyonce or Rihanna?
Lady GaGa or Katy Parry?
Brad Pitt or Colin Farrel or Johnny Depp? (HEADBUST!)
McSteamy or McDreamy?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Let's Play a Game!

Now, I know I have no followers at the moment, and really I’m not sure who will ever want to follow me....

But I will try to post AT LEAST one of these a day and hopefully people when (OR IF) they start to follow will reply to ones I posted earlier.....

The game is simple. Two choices. You pick one. You have to pick one. If you dislike both, pick the one you dislike least. Why I’m doing this? No clue.

First couple choices.

Eggs  or Bacon?

Magazines or Newspapers?

White or Brown toast?

Red or Orange?

Two or One Pillow?

Now, I’m going to play the waiting game. I hope someone plays.